Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Bad news good news

Bad news first, I have a cold and a virus making my throat swollen and the beginnings of asthma.  So, I am on lots of drugs to kill it dead. The good news is im staying ontop of my homework, and actaully getting lots of sleep. almost done picking my rep for my recital, which has been shortened some due to conflicts regarding practice times and what not. This is not the end of the world but it might feel like it at times.
Starting the final phase of one of my pieces and getting an handle on the other. But first some homework, to finnish.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

School, computers and many loud noises

This week has been an adventure. I got the approval to overload so, I will in fact be graduating in June! I some how have managed to stay on top of all my homework. So thats a start. I started dance again this week, after a month of not dancing, so everything from the bellybutton down hurts. Yesterday of all things to happen my computer is no longer holding a charge and has now been chained to the charge cable. So I have ordered a keyboard for my tablet. I am doing my best but my life seems to challenge me, which is good and bad. If it was all easy I would never learn anything but if it was all difficult I would suffer at the weight. However, I seem to not have a break.

As for the loud noise, my head just won't stop pounding.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Last Year, Last Semester and All I want to do is graduate

So the university has decided I am not eligible overload. I only need to be over a half credit, it's a half credit. However, I don't have an 85% average overall or in my major so I’m not allowed.  I have overloaded every other semester of my undergraduate degree but this semester I have to have an 85% average or get permission from the dean of my faculty. This is making my life overly difficult when all I want to do is finish in April and graduate in June. This does not seem to be asking for too much I am a good student and always pay my fees on time. 

Sunday, 11 January 2015

School week one

I've now had my first few days of classes. Which consisted of an audition for wind Ensemble ( university level band) and Ear training. I hate ear training, however only this semester left and I'm done! Started picking my music for the semesters, with my teacher and looking at my music for my recital. I also had my first university of Windsor student association( UWSA) training/meeting. It was interesting. I'm really looking forward to at least trying to make a difference.  However meetings for the UWSA take place twice a month during wind ensemble so I had to withdraw my audition. I need full commitment to both and I can't do that with both during the same hours. I ran and was elected to be on the UWSA so I have to take it seriously.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

My winter break is over, classes start tomorrow and the high way is closed between London and Windsor. It is going to be an interesting ride home. Despite the fact that these three weeks have been great, I am looking forward to my last semester of my undergraduate degree. Remembering to breath and that food really is worth it, I'm as ready as I can be.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Post number one

I am going to New Zealand for a year, before that time a lot of life milestones and other things that need to be accomplished. This is all about my journey from now until I'm home again. Postings may be sporadic and nonsensical, but it's the journey I want to share.